[ Music ] [ A large title appears: “Conductors & Insulators”. A smaller title appears under it: “Why are power cords…covered in plastic-like stuff?” ]
>> I want to know why power cords are all covered in that plastic stuff.
>> Okay, Robbie [phonetic], you ready? We’re about to roll.
>> Ready.
>> Lucy [phonetic], you ready?
>> Ready.
[ Jordan smiles, then hoists up a video camera and looks through the viewer as if about to start recording the other kids. ]
>> I’m ready too.
>> Okay. Action!
[ Music ] [ We see the scene as if looking through Jordan’s camera. Lucy prepares to plug in a CD player. Part of the cord is wrapped with scotch tape. Mackenzie goes to stop her. ]
>> Whoa! You can’t plug that in!
>> Why not?
>> It’s not insulated properly.
>> Huh?
>> The cord. See it?
>> Yeah, so I taped it.
>> Hello! Danger! It’s not insulated!
>> What are you talking about, McKenzie [phonetic]?
>> Bare wires are super dangerous. When you touch a bare wire you can get a major shock because there’s nothing protecting you from an open electrical circuit. Watch.
[ Mackenzie snaps her fingers and an electrical outlet with a cord plugged into it appears. ]
>> Power cords are covered with plastic-like insulation so the electricity can’t get out of its circuit.
[ The insulation on the outside of the cord disappears to show electricity flowing through the copper wires inside. ]
>> You see, electricity flows easily through metal wires inside the cord.
>> But it cannot flow through the insulation.
[ The insulation reappears, and a message appears next to it: “Insulator Protects You” ]
>> So the insulation here prevents electricity from touching you or anything else.
[ The outlet disappears. The girls are seen through the camera viewer again. ]
>> You’re going to need to get a new radio. This cord can hurt someone.
>> It’s really not a big deal. I’ve had it like that for a while and it’s been fine.
>> Did you know that the human body is 70 percent water?
>> Yes. Where are we going with this?
>> Because of all that water, your body is a great conductor for electricity.
[ A still image of Lucy appears with a message: “Your body can conduct electricity.” Water fills up about 70 percent of Lucy’s body. ]
>> Conductors are materials that electricity can flow through easily.
[ A headline appears: “Conductors”. A metal fork and a metal ladder appear., followed by a power line and an appliance power cord cut away to show the metal wires inside it. ]
>> Water and metal are good conductors, which is why metal wires are used for power lines and appliance power cords.
[ A man touches the power cord of a movie studio light. Electricity travels from the cord down through the man to the ground. A red flashing universal NO symbol appears. ]
>> So if you touch an energized wire or electric appliance, the electricity can travel through your body to the ground and give you a really nasty shock. You could even die by getting electrocuted.
[ A utility worker appears, wearing a hard hat and carrying gloves. ]
>> Oh, I get it. That’s why utility power line workers wear special insulating boots, gloves, and hard hats to protect them from electric shock.
>> Yep.
[ A still image appears showing two overloaded power strips plugged into the same electrical outlet. ]
>> Also, guys, remember that if you overload your power outlet with more gadgets than it can handle you can melt the insulation and even start a fire.
>> Well, I guess I’ll just have to sing for you.
>> It’s okay. You can have this.
[ Robbie hands Lucy a brand new CD player. ]
>> Thanks.
[ Jordan puts down his camera. ]
>> And that’s a wrap! Good one, Lucy. McKenzie, I think we made our point here.
>> So now we know why you never ever, ever…
>> not ever…
>> and not even after that…
>> overload an outlet or use a power cord that’s not properly insulated.
>> Yeah, otherwise…
>> you’re toast!
[ Music ] [ Culver logo and “copyright 2009 Culver Media, LLC” appear, followed by credits. ]