Ask the Superexpert about Energy Efficiency
Have you ever wondered whether cars could run on cow manure? Or what kind of a difference it makes to use compact fluorescent bulbs? Now you can get answers to these and all your energy-related questions. Just Ask the Superexpert!
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Yes! Manure can be made into a gas containing methane. (Methane is the same energy-rich gas found in natural gas.) Certain types of bacteria emit this gas as they consume manure collected in special air-free tanks. The mixture of gases produced in this way, called biogas, can then be used in some modified car engines instead of gasoline, or burned in a boiler to generate heat or electricity.
Organic waste emits methane as it decomposes—or rots—in the landfill. Landfills can collect and treat the methane and then sell it as a commercial fuel, or they can burn it to generate steam and electricity. Today, there are more than 600 gas energy landfill projects operating in the United States.